Thorsten Glotzmann
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Thorsten Glotzmann works as a journalist, author and director in Berlin. He studied Philosophy, German and French Literature in Tübingen and Paris and attended the German School of Journalism in Munich. He currently works for the Berlin-based production company Weltrecorder and is showrunner of the podcast Carpe What (WDR). Previously, he was head writer for the TV-format Streetphilosophy (arte). As a freelance author and director, Thorsten Glotzmann has made numerous documentaries and worked for Deutsche Welle, ZDF aspekte and 3sat Kulturzeit. His articles have appeared in the taz, Süddeutsche Zeitung, FAZ and on Krautreporter, among others. In 2024 his narrative non-fiction book about anxiety will be published by Berlin Verlag.