Georg Pieper is a psychotherapist with his own office for trauma and stress management and works in an psychological emergency center in Mönchengladbach. The psychologist is known as a specialist on the area of trauma therapy and worked among others with victims, relatives and action forces of the mine disaster in Borken, the airshow disaster in Ramstein and the German victims of the hostage-taking in Libanon as well as victims and relatives of the train catastrophe at Eschede.
Georg Pieper lives with his family in Friedberthausen, a small town between Marburg and Gießen, in a biologically constructed and ecologically run housing complex. He wrote his book alternately under a lime and a walnut tree and in winter in front of the stove.


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Ueberleben oder Scheitern-s

Wenn unsere Welt aus den Fugen gerät   TB-Cover von Überleben oder Scheitern s




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