Werner Rohner
Werner Rohner was born 1975 in Zurich. After studying philosophy, German literature and film science in Zurich and Vienna he worked as a secretary, a sports journalist and a movie critic. In 2012 he graduated in literary writing at the Swiss Institute for Literature in Biel. He was a scholar at the Literaturhaus München, the 10th Klagenfurter Literaturkurs, the Autorenwerkstatt Prosa at Literarisches Colloquium Berlin and at Istituto Svizzero di Roma. In 2012 he received a grant from the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia. Rohner writes plays and was published in several magazines and anthologies. In 2014 Rohner published his first novel Das Ende der Schonzeit at Lenos for which he won the Werkjahr der Stadt Zürich and was nominated for the Rauriser Literaturpreis.