Oliver Schröm
Oliver Schröm was born in 1964. After a traineeship at Heidenheimer Zeitung he went on a scholarship to the Los Angeles Times, the Commrercial Appeal (Memphis) and the Center for Investigative Reporting (San Francisco). Since then he has worked for, among others, stern, DIE ZEIT, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and for the political magazines of the television chains ARD and ZDF.
His main themes concern international terrorism, right-wing radicalism and the intelligence services. He has written six books which have been translated into half a dozen languages.
The author worked as a senior editor for the news magazine stern from 2010 until 2016. Afterwards he started working for the TV Magazine Panorama, which focuses on politics and investigative reports, before he joined CORRECTIV in 2017 as chief editor.