Julia Dettmer, born in 1986, studied media studies and German literature in Regensburg and London. She went on to work in large media companies such as ProSiebenSat.1 Media, Yahoo! Germany, and Burda, most recently as editorial director of ProSieben.de and editor-in-chief of BUNTE.de. She has been a freelance journalist, editor and lecturer since 2020. She writes for FAZ, Eltern, SZ, InStyle, STRIVE and GG, among other publications, and teaches a course on “Emotional Writing” at the Burda School of Journalism. Julia Dettmer lives in Munich.







Maximilian Dorner was born in Munich in 1973. He was granted a scholarship by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes to study dramatics at the Bayerische Theaterakademie and is working as a corrector and university teacher. He made films, produced audioplays and worked as a theatre critic and playwright. Known under his artist's name »maximin« he is running, among other projects, the maksverlag.






Ute Daenschel was born 1978 in Göttingen. She studied German literature, history and educational science in Braunschweig and did her PhD on the technical, cultural and gender history of the 20th century.
She lives as a freelance author and reader in Berlin.


Weltgeschichte s




Ami Dor-On is a journalist and writer. He worked as a university lecturer in press, media and public relations at Haifa University, was the editor of Ksafim and chief newsdesk editor of Ma'arive, one of the biggest Israeli newspapers. Ami Dor-On already published four books, including a text book for journalism. He is married and has three children.



Philipp Peyman Engel, born in 1983 in Herdecke, grew up in the Ruhr area as the son of a Persian Jewish woman and a German father. He studied philosophy, education, literature and media practice in Bochum and Essen. The journalist is editor-in-chief of the weekly newspaper Jüdische Allgemeine. Medium Magazin awarded him the prestigious "Editor-in-Chief of the Year" media prize in 2023. Engel's articles on Jewish life, anti-Semitism and Israel regularly appear in Der Spiegel, FAZ, Deutschlandfunk and other leading media outlets. The NZZ recently wrote about him: "Whether it's the hatred of Jews from the left, the right or from migrants: Philipp Peyman Engel doesn't mince his words."


Deutsche Lebenlügen




Julia Effertz is an actress, holds a doctorate in literature and is Germany's first intimacy coordinator. After her acting training in Paris, Oxford and London, she worked in theatre in England. In 2012, she moved to Berlin, where she has since worked mainly as an actress for film and television as well as for German and international productions (including Das Netz – Prometheus, My Zoe, Soko Wismar, Der Lack ist ab). She began her training as an intimacy coordinator in 2019 with Ita O'Brien, the British pioneer in the field, and completed it in 2021 with Amanda Blumenthal in Los Angeles. Since 2019, she has been establishing best practice standards and coordinating productions for film, television and streaming platforms. Julia Effertz regularly speaks at festivals and on industry panels, trains creatives as well as production companies and teaches the next generation of producers, directors and actors. In spring 2024, her non-fiction book on intimacy was published by EMF.


Mut zur Verletzlichkeit Effertz




Edith Einhart, born 1969 in Munich, was trained to become a journalist at the Axel Springer Verlag (amongst others Bild am Sonntag). She works as an editorial journalist at the women's magazine Freundin in Munich.


Mit Mutter ans Meer-s

Warum entscheiden schwer faellt-s



From 1968 till 1973, Rudolf Egg studied psychology at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität in Erlangen. Between 1973 and 1983, he was a research fellow at the institute for psychology at Erlangen-Nuremberg University. 1979, he took his doctoral degree in psychology, crimonology and psychopathology, followed by his habilitation in 1983.
From 1980 till 1982, he was working at Bielefeld University, from 1983 till 1985, he was the substitute professor at the chair of psychology at Bayreuth University. Since 1986, he is working at the then newly founded Kriminologische Zentralstelle (KrimZ) in Wiesbaden, since 1997 he functions as its director.
Because of his wide experience as a scientist and expert witness, Rudolf Egg is a media-appreciated specialist for the explanation of psychological backgrounds of crimes or for the profiling of offenders and/or suspects.


Egg Die unheimlichen Richter s color


Marc Engelhardt, born 1971 in Cologne, studied geography, marine biology and law in Kiel. In Brazil, he learned Portuguese, in Ecuador Spanish, and on the side he got to know a lot of other regions and languages in the whole world.
After a traineeship at NDR und some years at Tagesschau he decided to stay permanently in foreign countries: For seven years he stayed in Nairobi, where his two daughters were born.
As a correspondent for African issues he worked for ARD, die tageszeitung, NZZ, DIE ZEIT and many other German-language media. Since 2011, Engelhardt lives in Geneva as a reporter and covers the events at the United Nations. Furthermore, he writes and travels and is the chairman of the global network of correspondents weltreporter.net.





Ausgeschlossen s

Fluechtlingsrevolution s color

Völlig utopisch


Konstantin Maria Ferstl, born in 1983 in the Bavarian Altmühltal, lives in Munich, Rome and in the Hallertau. As a descendant of seafarers and tobacco planters, he has a hereditary predisposition to melancholy and addictive behaviour. He studied Direction at the University of Television and Film in Munich. His debut film Trans Bavaria, a road movie in a stolen butcher's van, was released in 2012 and won several awards. For the essay film Finis Terrae with the philosopher Alain Badiou, a cinematic search for the lost utopia, he shot in over twenty countries around the world – including North Korea. He is a graduate of the Script Workshop Munich and was participating in the writing workshop of the Juergen Ponto Foundation. For the manuscript of Die blaue Grenze he received the Literature Scholarship of the City of Munich in 2019.


Die blaue Grenze



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